Reflection Guidelines

After each of your lessons, the remaining class time will be devoted to a group discussion of feedback on the lesson. You should take notes during this discussion, and these will form the basis of the reflections in your portfolio. Use the following questions to help you reflect on your lesson.

•    What went well, and why?
•    What went less well, and why?
•    What were your aims?
•    Did you achieve them?
•    If so, how do you know?
•    If not, why not?
•    Did you establish good rapport with the class?
•    Were your instructions clear?
•    Did the students understand your explanations?
•    Was your timing accurate?
•    Was the pace of the lesson good?
•    Did you manage the activities appropriately?
•    Did you use pair / group work effectively?
•    Were all the students equally involved in the lesson?
•    Did you monitor work effectively?
•    Did you correct errors appropriately?
•    Did you handle feed-back effectively?
•    Did you make good use of the board?
•    What was the balance of TTT/STT?
•    Were the students able to produce the target language by the end of the lesson?
•    What would you do differently next time?
•    What is your personal aim for the next lesson?